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Online editing and proofreading service


Proofreading like a computer can't. 

Welcome! I'm Jo and I'm here to help you Fixit! Whether it is a career-defining resume, a GPA-altering school essay, a love poem that's never left your private diary, or a full-length novel you're dying to publish...


Fixit! By Jo is here to edit, spell-check, grammar-correct, and focus on anything else you might require - such as tone, tense, or layout.

Shelby H, NSW

Writing and Publishing Student, Third Year.

"Jo was super professional and constructive. She made fantastic edits on multiple of my works and I couldn't be happier with the quality with which it was carried out :)"

About Fixit!

Fixit! By Jo was founded by Jorja Mounser in early 2022. Her vision was to utilise her writing and editing skills to help others achieve their best work. This small Australian-grown business is an entirely personalised experience. Jo wants each client to walk away feeling like their written work is absolutely elevated and that their goals have been achieved. 


Here's how it works:

  • Using the contact page, fill in your contact details and service request and wait for a reply.

  • You will be sent a form with questions regarding what you are looking for - your wants and needs for your written piece.

  • Once we are in contact, we will be there for you every step of the journey to Fixit!


Currently, there are two services Fixit! provides: 

the standard and premium Fixit! 


Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or queries, via the chat function, email, socials, or phone. You can also find these details at the bottom of each website page.


Have a wonderful day!



Options to suit your needs

Standard Fixit!

A form consultation, hourly rate and guaranteed satisfaction.

Premium Fixit!

A video consultation, hourly rate, follow-up review and guaranteed satisfaction.


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© 2024 by Jorja Mounser - Fixit! By Jo

ABN - 56581380860

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